Friday, August 22, 2008

Brush Sold Seperately

A few months ago, I read Sloane Crosley's essay, "The Pony Problem" (chap. one: I Was Told There Would Be Cake) about her ultimate and irrational fear that if she ever expired suddenly, her loved ones would have to sort through the things in her apartment.
She would not be ultimately embarrassed by a collection of sex toys, or by dust bunnies that had accumulated. No. 
She knew, that when her friend and family sorted through private items, they would find a collection of My Little Pony figurines. Some imprisoned nerd-style in their original packaging, some with rhinestone eyes, many with grooming brushes.
Then, the other day, I had an incredible and related art-discovery.

shown: Edward Scissorhands & Joker figurines

Which makes me wonder... When will someone darken my memories of Cabbage Patch Dolls and Pound Puppies?

Want. Lust. Lust. Want. Etc.


this satiates my creepy chandelier fetish.
i want my ceilings dripping in this.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Joke of the Day

Q: What's brown and rhymes with Snoop?

A: Dr. Dre

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hat-Asaurus Rex

oh yes, these are a few of my favorite things

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Ones We Love!

In the tradition of PostSecret, Muxtape, etc. (i.e, great things to do to assassinate time), I foundoutabout this really great website, called
And I Quote:
The Ones We Love is a project highlighting young and talented photographers from around the world. Each artist contributed six photographs of the person(s) who is most important to them, taken outdoors in a natural setting. The goal of the website is to portray the people who are loved, cherished, and inspirational to these artists, and also showcase the differences and similarities in the photographs each of them took within the same guidelines.

So sweet it gives me a toothache.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Some of my friends collectively run this very interesting artfag blog called Delicious Ghost.

I'm reposting this particular number bec
ause its the sick, macabre kind of thing that interests me.


Need I say more?

"Trauma Intubation Head" MIGHT be my favorite category.

But then again, when your favorite films range from Texas Chainsaw Massacre to Sleepaway Camp, its hard to choose just one.